I sit in my sunroom, sipping coffee and watching the neighborhood children board the school bus that stops at the corner. I pray for them, and I worry. The...
Sometimes I just have to complete a jigsaw puzzle. It’s not a game; more a survival tactic. Puzzles provide retreat from the tumultuous ocean of words we swim...
It’s jarring to read lines in the gospel where Jesus tells his disciples they might have to hate their families to follow him (Luke 14:26). This is one of...
Virtually every time LGBTQ+ people get mentioned by church leaders or in church documents, there’s some kind of scriptural reference used to justify a position...
One quality that I like about myself is my comfort with a high level of mystery in the universe. When my kids ask questions such as, “What happens to people...
The Acts of the Apostles gives us an idyllic vision of the earliest Christian communities: All who believed were together and had all things in common; they...
At a recent fitness class, I saw a T-shirt slogan that stuck with me: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” While it may sound trite, often kindness...
When discussing the Bible, Christians often contrast the God in the Hebrew scriptures with the God they believe is found in the Christian scriptures. According...
As I do every year, I spent a long evening back in March watching the Oscars. Sure, it’s a parade of glitzy fashions and often debatable award winners giving...
People lived longer back in the days before the great flood in Genesis, so the story goes—a lot longer. The implication is that, closer to the bestowal of the...