Pope Francis is a pope of the poor and for the poor. However, he is not an academic revolutionary, an armchair critic propounding big theories. What the pope...
Salt and Light
Good is to be done and pursued and evil is to be avoided.” So goes the first principle of natural law according to Thomas Aquinas, a morality that remains...
At Just Roots Chicago, a dedicated staff and team of 1,500 volunteers have transformed three and a half acres into a community farm on the site of a demolished...
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal highlighted an alarming trend: teen consumption of energy drinks. One high schooler said she was drinking four cans...
In recent presidential election cycles, “law and order” has dominated U.S. political imagination about criminal justice. When most Americans hear the phrase...
“As human beings we are capable of participation in the very humanity of other people, and because of this every human being can become our neighbor,”...
When my wife and I recently traveled out of state for a wedding, we decided to take an extended weekend vacation. We like hiking and exploring out-of-the-way...
At a recent fitness class, I saw a T-shirt slogan that stuck with me: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” While it may sound trite, often kindness...
A 2019 Pew Research Center survey indicated that nearly 31 percent of U.S. Catholics doubt the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This survey prompted...
Catholics believe in care for the sick and the dying. Few moral teachings could be less controversial. The most easily offered prayers are for those we know...