In Their Own Words is a new web column from U.S. Catholic. In these essays, academics and other experts provide short, evidence-based explanations of...
“Just offer it up!” It’s a typical Catholic response to children’s complaints. Bored during Mass? Offer it up to Jesus. Teacher yelled at you? Offer it up...
According to French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, when we look into the face of another person, we see the word of God. The face, Levinas writes, is a conduit...
Growing up in Texas, I often had a stash of Mexican pesos on hand from our recurrent trips across the border. I frequently fiddled with the bills and, raised...
Pints with Aquinas is a 21st-century podcast named for a 13th-century theologian—and, with millions of downloads, it’s one of the most popular Catholic audio...
These days, when Catholics talk about someone being a saint, this usually has nothing to do with signs or wonders, but with a life of heroic virtue. Further...
A young Portuguese princess converts to Christianity as a teenager and takes a vow of chastity, entering into a mystical marriage with Jesus. But her father...
Cabrini Directed by Alejandro Monteverde (Angel Studios, 2024) In 1946, Frances Xavier Cabrini became the first U.S. citizen to be canonized. “Mother Cabrini,”...
In 1550, two Spanish priests were engaged in a heated public debate on a topic of significant moral importance: the rights of Indigenous peoples. Could the...
For me, it started with an unsuccessful attempt at growing vegetables on a shady apartment porch. The next year, it was a few potted tomato plants on the patio...