In 2016 news broke that in 1838 Jesuits from Maryland sold nearly 300 slaves to help pay off debts for Georgetown University (then Georgetown College). While...
Racial Justice
The African American Christian tradition is an urgent reminder that we must bring about a more just world.
Sister of St. Joseph Helen Prejean grew up in a bubble. “My family is very Catholic and very white,” she says. When Prejean joined the religious life at age...
Memories are an important part of being human. When we come together for family meals, for example, we often tell stories of shared experiences, anecdotes of...
About 25 years after the brutal murder of her older sister, Jean Parks unearthed her true feelings about the death penalty. At a meeting of San Antonio’s...
The memory shared in many elementary school classrooms goes something like this: One day, after a long shift at work, an exhausted Rosa Parks sat down on a...
When Sheri Bartlett Browne started working as a Catholic health care chaplain, she realized that despite hospitals’ best attempts to support patients and...
Many Catholics connect the word pilgrimage to far flung places like the Holy Land, Rome, El Camino de Santiago, Lourdes, Fatima, and the Basilica de...
When racists bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in 1963, four young girls attending Sunday school were killed and another 22 people were injured. It was one...
Recently, I had the privilege of having a conversation with Michelle Alexander, author of the influential book The New Jim Crow: Colorblindness in an Age of...