Get ready for changes to your Sunday Mass. When Father Jeff Keyes arrived at St. Edward's Parish in the summer of 2004, he found a thriving, multiethnic...
We are one church and we need just one Mass, this Catholic argues-even if that one Mass is celebrated in any number of languages. At one end of the archdiocese...
Mass could use the hard dose of reality offered by those recovering from addiction. I go to church every Sunday with a bunch of addicts. Well...
Does your faith need divine intervention? Msgr. Fred Easton is not exactly the first person who’d jump to mind when one thinks about miracles. Trained as...
Faith helps U.S. Catholic readers see the light even as they walk through the valley of darkness. Unemployment, illness, a loved one's death-everyone can...
I love to make stuff, which doesn’t make me much different from many women I know. Lots of us like to knit, quilt, crochet, or do needlepoint for a whole...
In honor of Earth Day, let’s hear from one of the great saints of our church about the wonders of creation. Be sure to share this prayer with your...
Pray with these quotes from Romero and petitions in order to honor the prophetic witness of Archbishop Oscar Romero on the anniversary of his...
On the anniversary of the assasination of Oscar Romero, use this reflection, Romero's words, and the following questions to generate discussion about...
When you listened to some older Catholics talk about the spirituality that formed them, you hear a lot about a harsh, demanding, and rather unforgiving...