As 2024 concluded, the demolition of Gaza and its people continued unabated. After 15 months of violence, their suffering, normalized, faded into the...
Catholics are far from immune to xenophobia. Many white Catholics seemed unbothered by the racist attacks on Catholic Haitians of Springfield, Ohio, following...
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) made what many people thought would be lasting changes to U.S. health care when it was passed in 2010. Most people by now take...
Project 2025 is the product of The Heritage Foundation, a well-heeled conservative Washington think tank. While some Catholics may support the project, the...
Avian flu has been a menace to commercial farm managers since it first appeared in southern China in 1996. Since then, the virus has spread worldwide, and in...
When St. Paul wrote, in his letter to the Romans, about a “law written on the hearts” of the Gentiles, he wasn’t just using a fanciful metaphor or trying to...
South Korea reached a record low in fertility in June, falling to a rate of just 0.70, a sharp drop from the already dismal 0.78 recorded in 2022. That puts...
Listen on: Apple | Google | Spotify For years, politicians in the United States have invoked the rhetoric of being “pro-family.” But what does that really mean...
For many structural reasons, the United States has two large political parties. The parties talk about many different issues, but at least for the last 50...