The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision last June fulfilled a long-term ambition of the nation’s pro-life community by overturning Roe v. Wade, but it...
Margin Notes
Canada is poised next month to expand a vast social experiment in state-sponsored “medical assistance in dying.” Beginning, unpleasantly, on St. Patrick’s Day...
Eradicating extreme poverty by 2030 remains the top goal of the United Nations’ Agenda for Sustainable Development. That ambition faces plenty of...
The Sunday Angelus is usually an opportunity for Pope Francis to reflect on the gospel of the day, but the first Sunday in October came just a few days after...
The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the general assembly on November 20, 1989, is the most widely ratified international...
Wall Street financiers and Main Street shopkeepers were among the many concerned parties waiting to hear how the Federal Reserve would turn this summer, but...
Each year as Labor Day approaches, we members of the commentariat stalk newspaper headlines for reports of strikes or union organizing campaigns like...
Who can forget George Bailey’s showdown with Mr. Potter, the infamously grumpy slumlord of Bedford Falls, in the film It’s a Wonderful Life? Pointing out that...
Auto enthusiasts have designated 2022 the year of the electric car as a rapid conversion from gasoline-combustion engines to battery-powered sedans, SUVs, and...
Joe Biden’s “build back better” legislative train stalled at the station in October. West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin joined the entire Republican...