Margin Notes

War wounds

   Here's a new strategy for victory in Iraq: surrender to the things we say we believe. Lord have mercy, for we persist in our obstinate ways...

Be our guest?

The U.S. should be a good host and protect the migrant workers who knock on our door.   In the colonial period the destitute and desperate escaping the...

Iran spam

A shockingly awful public relations campaign is underway for yet another war. We get all kinds of mail here at U.S. Catholic: scripture interpretation pasted...

Spit that out!

Tainted foods from the agricultural-industrial complex are giving new meaning to your favorite casserole "surprise." No one would ever mistake me for...

Never again, yet again

   Unless action replaces delay, our denunciations of genocide are nothing but talk. Darfur has become a marquee global tragedy with celebrities such...

Code blue

The patient is ailing, the prognosis is poor. It's the nation's major medical emergency. There is an epidemic running through the nation's body...

Cracks in the system

Deferring infrastructure maintenance for war spending builds a bridge to nowhere. After watching coverage of the minneapolis-St. Paul I-35W bridge collapse...

No more CARE packages

Instead of dumping grain in poverty-stricken regions, we should be investing cash. Bags of wheat or rice, stamped "U.S.A." and pitched onto a...