The calendar for this jubilee year is pretty straightforward. In February, for example, we celebrate the armed forces, police, and security personnel (Feb...
In Liturgical Hermeneutics of Sacred Scripture (Catholic University of America Press, 2023), Marco Benini discusses how liturgy allows the community to...
My mom told me about an occasion when a devout evangelical woman first saw the religious images sprinkled about our home. “These are idols!” my mom’s friend...
The Tridentine Mass, often referred to as the “Latin Mass” (though this is a misnomer, as there is usually some vernacular involved, especially in the form of...
There is much to ponder in the synod synthesis report, “A Synodal Church in Mission.” As I talked with my sister about the proposals, I expressed a desire to...
“Mama, it’s a woman!” These words were uttered with wide-eyed excitement by 7-year-old Lucy Rau when she heard a gospel reflection at Immaculate Conception...
My friend Juan is originally from Guatemala, and his first language is not English. Recently, he mentioned that for breakfast he had “potato cylinders” along...
Julia Erdlen remembers the first time she saw bread baked in her kitchen become the body of Christ at the altar. “The first time the presider held up the host...
Among my favorite episodes of the award-winning NBC series from the 1990s, The West Wing, is one titled “Nöel,” which features a guest appearance by cellist Yo...
The gap between devotees of the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) and those who prefer the Novus Ordo (“new order”) has measurably widened over the past two years...