Coming up through Catholic schools in New York all her life, Meg Stapleton Smith found herself continually revisiting one question: “What happens to the...
“Black Lives Matter to God and to Us,” reads a large banner hanging over the entryway to the United Catholic Youth Ministries (UCYM) staff workspaces on the...
Daniel Aston, Kelly Loving, Ashley Paugh, Derrick Rump, and Raymond Green Vance were all people irreplaceable in the human family and deserving of long and...
Swinging on the Garden Gate By Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew (Skinner House Books, 2022) I almost cried several times while reading Swinging on the Garden Gate. Not...
I did not say anything. Students played it cool. I heard a few students gasp in surprise when they walked into my room after Christmas break. Other...
There is something unsettling, maybe even foreboding, about the narrow door passage from Luke’s gospel. When Jesus instructs us, “Strive to enter through the...
I was not the most diligent kid when it came to participating in the Mass. As soon as my family entered the church one block away from our home, I would grab a...
Listen on: Apple | Spotify | Google Jesuit Father James Martin felt called to advocate for LGBTQ Catholics after the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. In...
Building a Bridge Directed by Evan Mascagni and Shannon Post (Player Piano Productions, 2021) According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, LGBTQ...
Striking comments from Pope Francis regarding same-sex civil unions recently emerged in a new documentary and have led to no small amount of media hype and...