This is a great question from one of our readers! According to the Gospel of Luke, on the night Jesus is born, an angel appears to a group of shepherds to tell...
At first I started looking at the bush because I was bored and a little frustrated. I was on a walk in the woods with my husband and toddler, and I found...
My dad did not leave much behind when he died. He was committed to staying independent from the system, even if he wasn’t perfectly consistent about it. He did...
“Tio BrandonAndy!” That’s what our niece has called me and my husband, Andy, since she was 2. She calls us “Tio” because she speaks Spanish. And she calls us...
Indignation is not an emotion I expect to experience during a homily. Inspiration, interest, contemplation, and even occasionally boredom, sure. But the urge...
My wife recently purchased a new T-shirt: black, sleeveless, and adorned with a punk rock cartoon vampire in a nod to one of her favorite shows. When it...
Have you ever spent a long time trying to find something that ended up being in an obvious place? Like when your mom can’t find her cell phone so she calls it...
When my child started at a Montessori school last fall, my husband and I giggled at some of the rules they expected toddlers between the ages of 18 months and...
The grief around weaning all four of my children still echoes in my heart to this day. To know that perhaps never again will my body be capable of giving life...
“You know, it’s not meant to be a reciprocal relationship,” I told the client who was sitting across from me in my psychotherapy office. He’d been lamenting...