In 1975 the unthinkable happened: Paula D'Arcy lost her husband, Roy, and 21-month-old daughter, Sarah, after a drunk driver hit their car. Pregnant at the...
Expert Witness
Over the past half-century the Catholic approach to mission has shifted dramatically. Today's Catholic missionaries continue to proclaim the Good News, but...
When your teenage daughter tells you that the Dalai Lama has a lot more going for him than the pope, do you have an answer for her? Just what about Catholicism...
In an interview with U.S. Catholic, Bishop Kenneth Edward Untener shared his vision of a nourishing liturgy and united church. You've written...
"For too long we've had a preferential option for mediocrity in the priesthood," laments Father Robert Barron, assistant professor of systematic...
Your book All Saints tells the stories of a broad range of saints-some officially canonized and some not, some Catholic or Christian, some not. How did you...
What kind of changes has the 20th century brought to Catholics in the United States? If I were a sociologist in 1900 and someone asked me to predict how...
Let's get right to the heart of the matter and talk about the fancy "S word." What exactly is "supersessionism," which you say is at...
From 1978 to 2006 Sharon Daly tried to convince politicians to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick through legislation. Fighting bureaucracy...
Why Catholics and Muslims must keep talking Sayyid Syeed, former secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America and a member of the Midwest Region...