Will Saint Paul’s letters to the Romans play in Peoria? In an interview, Father Joseph Fitzmyer, S.J. offers clues to understanding the evangelizer whose...
Expert Witness
How did your love for the Bible develop? I became interested in scripture as a boy. I stutter sometimes, and when I heard that Moses stuttered-that he was...
Jack Miller, author of Healing Our Losses: A Journal for Working Through Your Grief (1993), doesn't tell peple how to grieve-only that they must grieve...
You are critical of the prevailing view among Catholics of their own history and role in the United States. What is the story line of the tradition you call...
You've taught scripture for virtually all of your adult life. What led you to devote your life to it? When I was growing up, the Bible was not an honored...
Father J. Glenn Murray, S.J. describes what a good liturgy means from an African American perspective. Most Catholics are most Catholic when they attend Sunday...
Tell us about your own prayer life. When did you start doing fixed-hour prayer? Although the roots of regular daily prayer go back to my college years, it...
How did you end up being both an astronomer and a Jesuit brother? I was a Sputnik kid. I started school the year Sputnik went up, and I was in high school...
"Judaism," writes Rabbi Lawrence Kushner in his new book, Jewish Spirituality: A Brief Introduction for Christians(Jewish Lights), "is a...
When it comes to figuring out what the Jesus of Christian faith has to do with the anthropological Jesus studied by historians, Catholics are lucky: They have...