Tom Beaudoin looks at our “branded” economy and says it’s time to integrate who we are with what we buy. This text is an excerpt from Tom...
Economic justice
After the Wall Street wipeout, in a world full of hurt, we’re still our brothers’ keepers. With the carnage on Wall Street con- tinuing at a jaw...
Poverty is a global problem, and the entire human family will have to contribute to the solution. As the first female secretary general of Caritas...
The high cost of Catholic education leaves many in the dust. One mother argues that it will take the whole church to pick up the children who are left behind...
Are Catholic colleges and universities worth the price of admission? As almost all college students and their parents can tell you, paying for college hurts...
The billion prayer march: a play in three short acts Act I. Enter Extreme Poverty. Much wailing and grinding of teeth. She falls to the ground and crawls...
What parent doesn't want to make their children's wishes come true at Christmas, to see their little eyes light up as they tear off the wrapping paper...
Does the Catholic Church Practice what it preaches about a just wage? The response of church employees, ranging from lay ministers to chaplains to hospital...
It's pretty subdued day at Our Lady of Mercy School on Chicago's Northwest Side. Most of the kids are in class, huddled over Terra Nova achievement...
One reason "Mission Impossible" was so successful as a thriller this year it that lots of American workers could understand Tom Cruise's sense of...