Avian flu has been a menace to commercial farm managers since it first appeared in southern China in 1996. Since then, the virus has spread worldwide, and in...
Ecological justice
At first I started looking at the bush because I was bored and a little frustrated. I was on a walk in the woods with my husband and toddler, and I found...
Sam Rocha remembers the strong recoil of the gun. His father had told him he could have an early inheritance—his great-grandfather Crecencio Rocha’s hundred...
Not content with creating mountains of fast-fashion throwaways that are visible from space, we earthbound folks are taking to our near heavens to find brave...
“The heavens are telling the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.”(Psalm 19:2) In 2015, Pope Francis wrote Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our...
It is Eastertime. The birds are singing, the sun is shining, and flowers are emerging in glorious color. The Earth is exuberant with new life. I can’t help but...
It’s hard to find anyone who has anything against Canadians. In our cultural imagination, they remain the hemisphere’s unfailingly decent folk. But our polite...
I read our pope’s documents in Spanish to get an intimate sense of what he’s feeling. I also refer to him as Francisco, because as a Latin American and a child...
Like the pope’s encyclical letter on creation care, Laudato Si’, the apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum alludes to St. Francis of Assisi and his famous...
Laudate Deum is an astonishing short letter that is part scolding, part warning, part strict urging, and one hundred percent pastoral concern. Clearly a...