Night Palace Mount Eerie (P.W. Elverum & Sun, 2024) Phil Elverum just wants to feel alive. All of his music, be it released under The Microphones or Mount...
Ecological justice
Servant of God Dorothy Day said, “Don’t call me a saint. I don’t want to be dismissed that easily,” referencing her cofounding of the Catholic Worker movement...
Millions of people all over the world would probably be eager to sit at the feet of Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates, basking in his brilliance. That may be why...
When I sat down to watch Jon Chu’s film adaptation of Stephen Schwartz’s smash-hit musical Wicked, I expected to be captivated—and I was. Having seen the...
At Just Roots Chicago, a dedicated staff and team of 1,500 volunteers have transformed three and a half acres into a community farm on the site of a demolished...
This is an excerpt from Green Saints for a Green Generation (Orbis Books), edited by Libby Osgood, C.N.D.. Reprinted with permission from the author. Before...
A few months ago, during the readings for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, we encountered a gospel story in which Jesus pacifies a raging storm (Mark 4:35–41)...
My daughter has always been terrified of bugs, but she likes to help me in the garden. Earlier this spring, as we turned the soil to prepare our garden for...
Listen on: Apple | Spotify This week Zoe is joined by Erin Lothes for an exciting conversation on the hope within the Laudato Si’ Movement and...
The rustling marsh grass parts as Courtney Fitzgerald trudges through the wetland, her boots sinking into the mucky soil. She pauses to survey the open expanse...