Home Calendar St. Elizabeth of Portugal

St. Elizabeth of Portugal

Born: January 4, 1271 

Died: July 4, 1336

Feast Day: July 4

Patron of: widows, peace, victims of adultery/difficult marriages, the falsely accused

Elizabeth was descended from a line of royalty. Her father and brothers were both kings, as was her husband; however, the families could not have been be more opposite. Her husband, the king of Portugal, was warlike and abusive, and hated Elizabeth’s charitable work for the poor and zeal for her Christian faith.

Over time, she did manage to convert her nasty husband to Christianity, but she still was obliged to mediate in the significant civil conflicts of which he was a part. She negotiated borders, prevented civil wars, and maintained peace among rulers and their families.

After being widowed, Elizabeth joined a religious order and devoted her remaining days to serving the poor, sick, and pilgrims. Called into service in a final peacemaking role when conflict arose between her ruling children, the rigor of the situation led to Elizabeth’s illness and death.

The demands on St. Elizabeth as a peacemaker and maintainer of patience among volatile family members and rulers are unique, but not so different from the demands of our own times. As we navigate interpersonal conflict with family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors, we can look to St. Elizabeth to inspire us to be instruments of Christ’s peace in a world ridden with strife.

Nicole M. Perone

Image: Wikimedia Commons