Brother Roger
Born: May 12, 1915
Died: August 16, 2005
Taizé was founded amid the profound divisions and discord of the Second World War by Roger Schütz—known to many as Brother Roger—to foster reconciliation and peace. From risky acts of mercy like welcoming refugees to the community amid the Nazi-supported Vichy regime to the evolution of inclusive, candlelit contemplative prayer services, Taizé has become a visible beacon of the authenticity of the gospel. Schütz was adamant that this movement was not to become self-interested but rather directed toward inspiring authentic Christianity in existing communities. He did not want to spread the practice of Taizé but its mission of unity.
More about Brother Roger:
Taizé can bring us together
Taizé is more than prayer: It unifies believers regardless of creed.
French connection
In Burgundy's wine country, young people find peace and perspective on retreat at a monastery in Taizé.
Image: Michael König (User:Magadan) → Message. - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons