Home Calendar Blessed Maria Romero Meneses

Blessed Maria Romero Meneses

Born: January 13, 1902

Died: July 7, 1977

Feast Day: July 7

Patron saint of: N/A

Blessed Maria is a trailblazer in multiple capacities: she is both a “saint of the new millennium” and the first beatified person from Central America. During a severe childhood illness leading to paralysis, she was healed through the intercession of Our Lady Help of Christians, inspiring Maria to discern a vocation to religious life as a Salesian. In her ministry in Costa Rica, she taught the poor and wealthy alike, catechizing and cultivating personal relationships. Over time, that bridge-building inspired her to consider ways to inspire the rich to serve the poor more deeply. Whether through food distribution centers, low–income housing, or child-care centers, her care for her community was clear and comprehensive. Her modern witness to care for the most vulnerable in her community, and the way she inspired the affluent in the same community to care as well, challenges us to consider who among us is in greatest need. Although we may not be what is considered “rich,” how can we be giving and service-oriented from where we are?

Nicole M. Perone