Still looking for something to give up for Lent? Want to add an additional fast onto your already fully fledged plans? There’s an app for that.
Check out Blood:Water, a Christ-driven nonprofit working with African grassroots organizations to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises. This Lent, Blood:Water is challenging Catholics to give up their favorite drink and donate the savings to bring clean water access to three villages in southern Rwanda.
The “Save a Drink, Save a Life” campaign is trying to bring 1 million people access clean water. In their first 10 years, they brought it to their first million. But now, they’re trying to do it in three years. You can help with this Lent campaign.
You can track your efforts on an easily accessible app which you can download here.
Fresh and clean water is something we often take for granted. But according to many, including Pope Benedict XVI, it is a "universal and unalienable right" for all people. So whether you’re a coffeeholic (like myself!) or prefer those Jamba Juice smoothies, consider giving those few dollars you would have spent to someone in need.
Image: Flickr photo cc by Katherine Lim