Daily links, Mon., June 11: Sisters and the CDF prepare for a sit-down

Nuns are still in the news, with statements from the Vatican seeking a "mutual understanding" with American sisters, as the leadership of LCWR and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith prepare to meet tomorrow. Religion News Service digs into the Vatican action against one suddenly prominent woman religious, Margaret Farley, whose censure has drawn the Catholic Theological Society of America into the fray. Also at last week's meeting of the CTSA: A resolution commenting on the question of religious liberty in relation of the coverage of contraception was tabled. (h/t to Grant Gallicho at Commonweal) 

Vatileaks continues with the pope appealing to his core staff to cultivate a "personal bond with the Vicar of Christ as part of your spirituality." I think we can call that an official indicator of distress.

Finally, regardless of the almost certain destruction of the Affordable Care Act by the Supreme Court, three of the largest health insurance companies have pledged to keep some of its provisions intact, regardless of the court's action.

About the author

Bryan Cones

Bryan Cones is a writer living in Chicago.