Directed by Stephen Daldry (The Weinstein Co., 2008) In traditional coming-of-age tales, sexuality opens up new worlds for a young man, and the first affair...
Author - Patrick McCormick
Directed by Christine Jeffs and Megan Holley (Overture Films, 2009) Christine Jeffs and Megan Holley's touching film about a spunky but dysfunctional...
DuplicityDirected by Tony Gilroy (Universal, 2009) They don’t make them like this anymore. They try often enough, but only once in a blue...
Milk Directed by Gus Van Sant (Focus Features, 2008) As Sean Penn plays him in Gus Van Sant’s new biopic, Harvey Milk is no Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks...
Directed by Clint Eastwood (Warner Brothers, 2008) For three decades Clint Eastwood made his bread and butter celebrating the American myth of heroic violence...
How much should we worry about the daily dose of interactive, virtual murder and mayhem in our kids’ lives? Video games first came to an arcade or home...
Directed by David Fincher (Paramount Pictures, 2008) David Fincher’s movie version of a farcical short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald tells the backwards...
Directed by Danny Boyle (Fox Searchlight, 2008) Just in time for our now officially recognized global recession, British film maker Danny Boyle has created a...
Hollywood tells us that cleaning up Washington depends on the integrity of those we send there. But that’s only part of the story. Soon the 2008...
Rachel Getting Married Sony Pictures Classics, 2008 Director Jonathan Demme and writer Jenny Lumet’s ensemble film about a big sprawling suburban wedding...