On December 29, 2024, at age 100, Jimmy Carter died, leaving behind a powerful legacy that can be summarized by the Carter Foundation’s motto: “Waging Peace . ...
Author - Ellyn Sanna
One day in fourth grade, I checked out from the library a book with a teal jacket bearing intersecting light green circles; it was titled A Wrinkle in Time...
“Just offer it up!” It’s a typical Catholic response to children’s complaints. Bored during Mass? Offer it up to Jesus. Teacher yelled at you? Offer it up...
In March 2021, I tested positive for COVID-19. Testing myself was a routine precaution I took before visiting my infant grandson, but I’d fully expected the...
According to French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, when we look into the face of another person, we see the word of God. The face, Levinas writes, is a conduit...
“Who do you say I am?” asks Jesus in Luke’s gospel (9:20). His words imply he’s not interested in doctrine or theology. He wants a personal response, not a...
At Halloween, my big brother liked to terrify me with stories about live burial. While our parents thought we were sleeping, he told me tales of screams rising...
“Is God a boy?” my son asked me. He was almost 4 at the time, and he had already determined he was a boy and Mommy was a girl. He’d accepted a basic assumption...
Remembering Why We Preach By Karla J. Bellinger and Michael E. Connors, C.S.C. (Ave Maria Press, 2022) How can preaching foster encounter between God and a...