When you whispered a prayer this morning while sipping your coffee and eating your toast, to whom exactly did you pray? An old man with a beard somewhere...
Author - A U.S. Catholic interview
St. Paul may be known as the "apostle to the Gentiles," but his high ideals make him an apostle for believers today, too. When you ask Father...
Could you put that in layman’s terms, please? “With pleasure,” says Richard R. Gaillardetz, author of By What Authority? A Primer on Scripture, the...
They say it’s lonely at the top, but it’s also lonely in the middle. That’s where Oblate Father Ronald Rolheiser often finds himself, trying...
As he’s entered middle age, Franciscan Father Richard Rohr, who has been riding the spirituality circuit for more than 30 years, has started to think about...
For most Catholics marriage is their path to holiness, says this expert. The church could-and should-do more to help them on their way. If you ask Mary...
Catholic social teaching has been called the church’s best-kept secret, but the biggest secret of all may be the church’s teaching on racism, says...
When he was in seminary, Martin E. Marty and his classmates used to play a game: If your denomination were removed from the earth, what would you be? Marty...
The first thing you notice about Thich Nhat Hanh is that he walks really, really slowly. he also speaks very deliberately. And when he wants a sip of tea, he...
Just because Rosemary Radford Ruether is getting close to retirement doesn’t mean she’s going to stop stirring things up. First as a civil rights activist and...