From 1978 to 2006 Sharon Daly tried to convince politicians to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick through legislation. Fighting bureaucracy...
Author - A U.S. Catholic interview
Why Catholics and Muslims must keep talking Sayyid Syeed, former secretary general of the Islamic Society of North America and a member of the Midwest Region...
Francisco J. Ayala, a professor of evolutionary biology and philosophy at the University of California-Irvine, is both an expert in the field of evolution and...
As a novice, María Elena González wanted to be a "kitchen sister," just like the sister she admired. That was not, however, what was in...
Let's quit giving ourselves permission to wreak havoc on God's good earth. We're not the only ones in whom God delights. All Creation is Groaning...
Just as government officials have been struggling to find the right course of action in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, Catholics-both here...
For most people, moving from New York City to a three-block town in the New Mexican desert might seem like a step toward relaxation. But John Dear, a...
A few months after Israeli soldiers deported the men of his village, 9-year-old Elias Chacour climbed the hills of Galilee to talk to his friend and champion...
In the midst of a heated debate on immigration and a crackdown on undocumented immigrants, Bishop Jaime Soto lays out the church's agenda. Although born in...
Myles Sheehan has two jobs that cause him to walk with death on a regular basis: One, he's a doctor specializing in the care of old people; two, he's a...