"It's a zoo," sighs Father Donald B. Cozzens, who had been hoping for a quiet sabbatical to finish writing his next book. Instead, the...
Author - A U.S. Catholic interview
Then head of the National Review Board, Frank Keating shared his view of the church's response to the sex abuse crisis with U.S. Catholic in 2003...
The editors interview Father Robert Barron. "For too long we've had a preferential option for mediocrity in the priesthood," laments Father...
Robert Silva, a pastor and spiritual director who has taught at the University of the Pacific and the Catholic University of America, talks about how his...
Having taught in and studied seminaries for 20 years, Katarina Schuth sizes up the changes in today's seminaries and the men they are forming for the...
On March 5, 2009, Sister Carol Keehan, a Daughter of Charity and president of the Catholic Health Association (CHA), which represents more than 600 Catholic...
A Franciscan environmental activist recycles some ancient traditions for modern use. [Read more about St. Francis, patron of ecology.] Hundreds of years before...
You have spoken out strongly in favor of canonizing Dorothy Day. How is she a saint for today? Dorothy herself had a tremendous veneration for the saints. Her...
This is an article that appeared in the October 1973 issue of U.S. Catholic. We are publishing it as part of our 75th anniversary celebration. Lost in the...
Have you ever had a fist fight about the natures of Christ? If you have, you would fit right in among ancient Christians, says this church historian...