
A reflection for the second Sunday of Lent

Father Maurice J. Nutt, C.Ss.R. reflects on the readings for February 25, 2024.

Readings (Year B):

Genesis 22:1 – 2, 9a, 10 – 13, 15 – 18
Psalms 116:10, 15, 16 – 17, 18 – 19
Romans 8:31b – 34
Mark 9:2 – 10

Reflection: Catching a glimpse of the glory of Jesus

When I go to a theatre to see a movie, I like to get there early to see the previews of the coming attractions. It provides a glimpse into what is to come. And sometimes, I get excited and say out loud, “I’ve got to see that movie!”  Today our gospel passage does exactly that. It gives us a preview of Jesus’ coming glory. 

Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain. He lets them experience something amazing: with their own eyes, they catch a glimpse of his glory. Right before the valley, Jesus takes them to a mountain, to strengthen them for the difficult road ahead. Today, it is good for us to be with Jesus, to go on this journey with the disciples and experience with them this high point, for two reasons.

First, it prepares us for Lent. Until now, we have heard about Christ, how powerful he is; we learn he is the Son of God and savior of the world, the holy one spoken of by the prophets. Although he will be suffering and dying, he is still God and savior, doing these things to win for us our salvation.


But now it is Lent, that time in the church year when Jesus descends into the valley of the shadow of death. We hear how he was rejected, suffered, and died for the sins of the world. These Lenten weeks, we walk with Jesus, into that valley, and see those difficult moments. This mountaintop experience we hear about today prepares us for the valleys ahead.

It also prepares us for our own personal valleys. As we see Jesus glorified here today, it prepares us for when we go through our own difficult moments. It helps us as we go through our own personal peaks and valleys in life. I do not know where you are right now—if you are experiencing a high moment, or a low moment. And I don’t know where you will be two years from now—what high moments or low moments you will be going through. And neither do you. But for us today, right now, it’s good for us to be here, because here we are reminded of our savior’s glory, who Jesus really is.

The disciples needed to climb a mountain to see this. Today, God’s word is our mountain to climb. Every time we go to church, and hear the word of God, we climb the mountain. There we see Christ, who has redeemed us on the cross and who has risen from the dead. We catch a glimpse of his glory, even if it’s just for a moment. Sunday morning worship—the Word of God —this is our mountaintop. It is good for us to be here, because this is where we are strengthened for the days ahead, for all the peaks and valleys that are just around the corner for us.

We are blessed today; we stand with those disciples and see Jesus reveal his glory. And our faith is strengthened as we descend the mountain to continue the mission of Jesus.

About the author

Father Maurice J. Nutt, C.Ss.R.

Redemptorist Father Maurice J. Nutt is a parish mission preacher, spiritual director, adjunct professor of preaching and evangelization at Aquinas Institute of Theology, and the local superior of the Redemptorist community in New Orleans.

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