
A reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Timone davis reflects on the readings for December 20, 2020.
Catholic Voices

Readings (Year B)

2 Samuel 7:1–5, 8B–12, 14A, 16
Psalm 89:2–3, 4–5, 27, 29
Romans 16:25–27
Luke 1:26–38

Reflection: Watching Advent

Many of us would say that we could use a little more help right now—our faith journey is shaky—following Christ is a daily struggle and sometimes it just gets left behind. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed not only health care disparities, but also our spiritual struggles—our stumbling and failures, our missed cues and complacency. Advent is our opportunity to refocus on Christ and the Good News that the kin-dom of God is around us. But this is not easy as we seek comfort for all that is happening. How do we find the comfort we need in such a time as now? How do we move forward when it seems hope is lost?

I offer a 4-step process:

  1. Getting into position
  2. Strength training
  3. Working it out
  4. Welcoming the transformation

Step 1: Getting into position 

Getting into position requires that we slow down to take a deeper look inside, where I admit my faults and forgive you yours. Getting into position requires that I look past the presents to the presence of Christ in my speaking and in my doing.


Step 2: Strength training

Strength training is all about exercising so we are prepared to take on the onslaught of adversity while we’re in position. While weightlifting, walking, running, and yoga are strength training for our bodies, we have to also strength train our spirituality—prayer, meditation, praying with scripture, helping others, and opening our hearts to God’s will. In this way our legs can stand against death by racism.

Advent is our opportunity to get back to our workout, to take notice of Mary’s yes, to pay attention to Joseph’s openness, to see how people of faith follow through on seeing a star.

Step 3: Working it out

Working it out is our presentation to the world. Watch watching Advent doesn’t take place only in our homes. It’s public—out where people can see us—making adjustments, stumbling, falling, being frustrated with the progress or the lack of progress, rejoicing, celebrating. Working it out is about sharing what God is doing in our lives and what we are doing for others. Working it out is taking note of the things which are helping us and having the courage to get rid of the things that are not life-giving.

Step 4: Welcoming the transformation

This last step in watch watching Advent, welcoming the transformation, is about accepting God’s grace of forgiveness. It can be a tricky step because many people think this is the end. It is not. It is the launch pad to get in position, strength train, work it out and welcome the transformation. Again. This is the life of a doer of the Word, one who hears and then works to “make all things new.”


May we be like the shepherds and allow our knees to bend at the sight of Jesus in one another. May we hasten to the place where God will protect and nurture us. May we come to the place where doing God’s will is all that matters.


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About the author

timone davis

Timone davis is an assistant professor of pastoral theology, with an emphasis in Black Catholic theology, at Loyola University Chicago.

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