Dec 8

A reflection for Advent: O shepherd, harken


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O Shepherd of Israel, hearken…From your throne upon the cherubim, shine forth…Rouse your power. (Psalm 80:20,3)

Having realized, once again, who it is that comes to us, and having remembered that he is alone in our light, let us open our eyes to the rising Sun, let us hasten to receive him and let us come together to celebrate the great mystery of charity which is the sacrament of our salvation and of our union in Christ.

Let us receive Christ that we may in all truth be “light in the Lord” and that Christ may shine not only to us but through us, and that we may all burn together in the sweet light of his presence in the world, that is, his presence in us, for we are his Body and his holy Church.


O Holy Spirit, inspire us to a burning desire to know the great mystery of Christ the incarnate God whose coming into the world we are preparing to celebrate. Amen. 

Thomas Merton, Breakthrough to Joy; Advent Reflections From the Writings of Thomas Merton