Dec 13

A reflection for Advent: Listening for God


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God doesn’t come to us in a wind, and God doesn’t come to us in an earthquake, and God doesn’t come to us in a fire. God comes to us in a still, small voice, as he comes to Elijah in the first book of Kings. All we have to do is listen.

Jesus is always walking toward us, on the water—and we are always jumping out of the boat, in our joy—and when we feel how hard the wind is blowing, we always sink, as Peter does in the story of the Gospel of Matthew. And the wind is the wind of doubt, the wind that blows from the culture we live in, a culture that tends to ridicule religion, that tends to reduce the mystery. And that doubt is in us, too.

Chris Anderson, Light When It Comes: Trusting Joy, Facing Darkness & Seeing God in Everything (Eerdmans)

Reflection Questions:

How can you open up your mind and heart and listen for the still, small voice of God this Advent? How can you push against the doubt of our culture welcome God into your heart?
