Biden and the bishops?


So it's official: Obama picked a Catholic. Well, he picked a Senator that can burnish his foreign policy credentials, but Biden's Catholicism has to be considered a factor in the mix. Not only is Biden Catholic, he is a regular Sunday communicant at two parishes, despite his consistent pro-abortion voting record.

Now we are left to wonder whether the John Kerry Communion kerfuffle will make a return appearance in the 2008 cycle. John Allen of the NCR thinks it might, but I think the bishops learned a little lesson from 2004: By and large, Catholics don't want the Eucharist politicized, even over abortion, and especially when many Catholics have profound misgivings about the "prolife" record of the current administration.

Time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Some in the media will try to stir this pot. I'll be interested to see how Biden deals with it.

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