Have you ever prayed for something you wanted and then you waited and waited but ended up not getting what you asked for? Me too! That feels disappointing...
Our Faith
I first learned to love the darkness after my mother died. Not initially. At first, after holding her body close in those minutes after her last breath, and...
Of the 7.6 percent of patients in the United States who have survived a full cardiac arrest, 40 percent of them retain some memory of experiences that seem to...
“I’ll never forget one of the last times I saw her. I can still see her, sitting in that chair in the corner and saying, ‘why does it take so long to die?’”—Dr...
“When we know ourselves, we bring the gift of our history and our culture to one another, to the church, and to the world…I investigate and embrace the...
Politics can be exhausting and indeed discouraging. A few weeks ago, when I asked my 18-year-old freshmen students if they’d registered to vote, half of them...
It did not come as a total surprise when Pope Francis, while visiting the United States in 2015, invoked the name of Dorothy Day. From the beginning of his...
Prophet Muhammad was no stranger to death. He buried his own six children. Three of them died in infancy and three others in young adulthood. His only...
My husband and I make a great team when it comes to educating ourselves on all things related to parenting. I read the literature; he remembers the content...
And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who from now on die in the Lord.” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their...