Coming up through Catholic schools in New York all her life, Meg Stapleton Smith found herself continually revisiting one question: “What happens to the...
Women in the church
Rising: Learning From Women’s Leadership in Catholic Ministries By Carolyn Y. Woo, Ph.D. (Orbis Books, 2022) “Dr. Woo, do you think women’s leadership in the...
Listen on: Apple | Google | Spotify “As in all the churches of the saints, women should be silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak...
When you hear the word disciple, what do you think of? Probably the 12 apostles, maybe some of the greater crowd following Jesus in the gospels. A few readers...
Corita Kent, through her art and words, gave me two life-giving lessons this year: love the moment, and love the darkness. Cortia Kent, love is hard work...
Listen on: Apple | Google | Spotify The Catholic Church is the largest Christian denomination in the world. And it has almost no women in leadership roles...
As the oldest child in a large, conservative Catholic family, I was raised to believe that my purpose as a woman was to become a wife and mother. Caring for my...
On March 19 Pope Francis issued a new apostolic constitution for the Roman Curia, the offices that help him govern the Catholic Church. Praedicate Evangelium...
In March 2021 FutureChurch hosted a talk on women in Catholic media, hosted by Heidi Schlumpf, executive editor of the National Catholic Reporter. Schlumpf...
Scripture is chock-full of women who show up and stay put, who hold their own in spaces men decided they are not supposed to take up. For instance, a Pharisee...