How did your love for the Bible develop? I became interested in scripture as a boy. I stutter sometimes, and when I heard that Moses stuttered-that he was...
You've taught scripture for virtually all of your adult life. What led you to devote your life to it? When I was growing up, the Bible was not an honored...
When it comes to figuring out what the Jesus of Christian faith has to do with the anthropological Jesus studied by historians, Catholics are lucky: They have...
Many Catholics couples struggling with infertility naturally turn to the scriptures for solace. Maybe they shouldn't. Although the Old and New Testaments...
When teaching Bible classes in parishes, I often begin with the question, “When I say ‘characters of the Bible,’ what names come to mind?” The consistency of...
A Bible is a Bible. Or is it? When I taught religion at a Catholic high school, I always had to tell my students to be sure they had a Bible that was...
Gary Hoffman's passion for the Bible has caused him to wind up in prison. "When you begin to reflect on scripture, it calls you deeper and...
Let's get right to the heart of the matter and talk about the fancy "S word." What exactly is "supersessionism," which you say is at...
“Since many have undertaken,” St. Luke begins his gospel, “to set down an orderly account of the events that have been fulfilled among us, I...
The Bible comes in every size, color, and translation. But before you get to the check-out line, check out our guide on how to find the one that's right...