The St. Francis de Sales Parish Book Club meets in the basement room in the rectory where Father Matthias used to run the parish weight-lifting club, until he...
Parish life
Lord knows these organizations need some help serving their communities. OK, children, gather around. I'll tell you what life was like before parish...
The Earth is warming and we are responsible. This is the undeniable conclusion reached by 2,000 scientists and policy experts contributing to the United...
The arresting frequency of parish embezzlement If the pastor had not stepped down, the embezzlement might have continued indefinitely. But when Father Brian...
Catholics need to lighten up and see the bright side of sometimes being the butt of jokes. It wouldn’t hurt to laugh at ourselves once in a...
Sean Reynolds cheerfully agreed to torpedo tired old thinking at the National Symposium on Adolescent Catechesis last November. The symposium, dreamed up by...
We were nervous walking into the new parish for the first time. My husband and I settled our three children into a pew near the rear for a quick escape if we...
Having a child with special needs can test one’s faith in God and in the parish community. As a theologian Mary Beth Walsh of Maplewood, New Jersey had...
Steven Saitabau was one of 23 that were baptized in one Kenyan parish the first weekend of October 2008. Nine years old, he had lived half is life without a...
The immigration debate comes home to Catholic parishes She brought her children here from her country because she feared gangs would kill them. “I left...