There’s a girl of about 9 or 10 named “Clara” with whom I often share a pew at the parish where I attend daily Mass. She’s a sweet kid, tall for her age...
I remember the first time someone referred to me as “opinionated.” While not categorically negative, the trait is hardly complimentary, and being called such...
As our 10th wedding anniversary approached, my wife, Theresa, and I hatched a plan to celebrate. We would ask my parents and brothers to watch our four young...
We’ve made at least one great cultural advancement in recent years when it comes to the holidays: We’ve become aware that for many people, this time of year is...
Around 2 a.m. on November 6, once it was clear what the election outcome would be, I finally went to sleep. It was not a restful night. Every time I woke up, I...
Butch Patrick, who portrayed Eddie, the son in a literal family of monsters on the 1960s sitcom The Munsters, recently made a public appearance at a horror...
The statistics about young people’s participation in the American church look bleak. When we look at Christian young people under 30 especially, they are far...
It’s jarring to read lines in the gospel where Jesus tells his disciples they might have to hate their families to follow him (Luke 14:26). This is one of...
Growing up, Rozella Apel-Hernández had dozens of nonbiological aunts and uncles. Apel-Hernández, now 24, was born and raised at Beatitude House Catholic Worker...
Why are some given the chance to grandparent? Maybe to grow closer to God later in life, or so God can use this time to transform us. The most cantankerous...