There’s much in Islam that favors women, says this scholar. As sisters in faith Muslim and Catholic women can seek out such traditions together. The...
Expert Witness
"Al-salamu alaykum!" That's the voicemail greeting you get when Scott Alexander is out of the office. Alexander, the director of the Catholic...
Learning scripture in the land of the Bible changes the way you read it, says Sister Laurie Brink, O.P., who leads study tours to places such as Bethlehem...
It seems that easy sex is rampant on college campuses today, but new research reveals that students really want romance. When Donna Freitas offered a class on...
There is no particular person author Ann Patchett has looked to for inspiration. Instead, she credits her Catholic faith for teaching her a boundless capacity...
Catholics have picked the winner of the popular vote for nine presidential elections in a row. Will they do it again in 2008? A few years ago, when Washington...
Last year father James Chukwuma Okoye C.S.SP. went home to Nigeria for a visit. He had no sooner gone to church for Sunday Mass than he found himself...
Sister Catherine Bertrand, S.S.N.D. entered religious life on a dare. "It was either that or the Peace Corps." After 25 years she continues to be...
The U.S. is locked into a correctional system that encourages people to commit more crimes, according to criminologist Jerome Miller. It may be an immediate...
Imagine being a supporter of the Vietnam antiwar movement and the son of a lieutenant general who is the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Imagine...