St. Gregory of Nyssa
Born: c. 335 CE
Died: c. 395 CE
Feast day: January 10
Patron saint of: N/A
The town of Nyssa (which no longer exists) is famous primarily because it was the see of St. Gregory. As bishop of Nyssa (present day Cappadocia, Turkey), St. Gregory was famous for his orthodoxy and steadfast adherence to the gospel in the face of the heresies of his time. Perhaps his resolute spirit came from the faith instilled in him through his saintly family: St. Gregory was the son of two saints (St. Basil the Elder and St. Emilia of Caesarea), the grandson of St. Macrina the Elder, and the brother to four saints, including St. Basil the Great! St. Gregory is best known for his condemnation of Arianism—he was often deployed to combat heresies with his sharp wit and “orthodox” theology. He is also known for being one of the first early Christians to condemn slavery, speaking in no uncertain terms about its sinful nature. The resolute nature of his faith in what was right is a model for all believers in the gospel.
Image: The Cappadocian Fathers, Badly Drawn Dad via Flickr