Home Calendar St. Bernadette of Lourdes

St. Bernadette of Lourdes

Born: January 7, 1844

Died: April 16, 1879

Feast day: April 16

Patron saint of: illness, people ridiculed for their piety, poverty, shepherds

Bernadette Soubirous was a frail young woman from a large, impoverished family who, at the age of 14, began to receive visions of the Blessed Mother. When instructed by her to build a chapel in a nearby grotto, Bernadette persisted against pushback from her family, local spiritual and secular authorities, and everyone around her. The grotto site, known as Lourdes, has become a global pilgrimage destination for millions of pilgrims seeking healing in the waters. Bernadette’s story often focuses around her simplicity and dimness—a testament to the Holy Spirit working in the most unexpected of places. It is a good reminder to us all to consider that holiness is not tied to academic acumen or accolades, but instead to pureness of heart. We are all invited to consider what it is that we need to be healed from—not just physical ailments (though many experience those), but the vices of our souls that only the Spirit can wash away.

Nicole M. Perone

Image: St Bernadette Soubirous by Lawrence OP via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)