St. Agatha
Born: c. 231 CE
Died: c. 251 CE
Feast day: February 5
Patron saint of: Sicily, breast cancer patients
Born to a wealthy family, St. Agatha professed her faith and consecrated her virginity to God as a young teen. After rejecting the advances of a Roman prefect, Agatha was abused and tortured, during which her breasts were cut off. As the patron saint of breast cancer patients, Agatha is often depicted holding her breasts on a tray in iconography. Even after being sentenced to death, Agatha’s faith remained unwavering, and she became a highly venerated virgin martyr of the early church. Today, she is one of just seven women mentioned in the Roman Canon during Mass. The strength of her conviction and deep faith amidst great struggle offers hope and solace to anyone suffering, particularly those undergoing treatment for breast cancer.
Image: Wikimedia Commons/ Saint Agathe, Francisco de Zurbaran, oil on canvas, c. 1630