Home Calendar Blessed Stanley Rother

Blessed Stanley Rother

Born: March 27, 1935

Died: July 28, 1981

Feast day: July 28

Patron saint of: N/A

In 1953, a martyr’s death seemed unlikely for Stanley Rother, who struggled with his studies as a seminarian before flunking out. His bishop saw something special in this unassuming farm boy, however, and arranged for him to enter another seminary. Rother persevered and was ordained in 1963, but the ordeal left him feeling inadequate in his priestly ministry. When he was offered the opportunity to serve in Oklahoma City’s diocesan mission parish in Santiago Atitlán in 1968, he jumped at the chance. In Guatemala, he would find the fulfillment that had eluded him in Oklahoma.

Donna Whitson Brett and Edward T. Brett

More about Stanley Rother:

Blessed Stanley Rother inspired a revolution of solidarity

After his martyrdom, Father Stanley Rother’s ministry inspired the Tz’utujil people to lead a peaceful revolt.

Good shepherd: Father Stan Rother

In the moment of truth, Rother proved himself a man of extraordinary faith.

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