This week, Jesuit Father Sean Carroll spoke to members of Congress regarding our country’s immigration policy. One of the most disturbing things about the policy, he said, is its tendency to tear apart families. This is simply unacceptable for a culture that talks a big game about family values.
“With each passing day, we as a country continue to separate family members, through our immigration laws and our detention and deportation practices, contrary to the rhetoric of family values that permeates our political discourse,” Carroll said.
Citing statistics about the number of children placed in foster care due to detained or deported parents, Carroll reiterated: This reality falls far short of what scripture teaches regarding care for the widow, the orphan and the stranger.”
It remains to be seen whether an appeal to biblical values will sway our courts and politicians into comprehensive immigration reform that doesn’t break up families. But it’s an encouraging sign to see Catholic leadership continue to make their voices heard on this critical issue facing our country.
For more on immigration policy, be sure to read our interview with Representative Luis Gutierrez
Flickr photo cc by cool revolution