Biden’s bishop and his prochoice sheep


For those wondering if Joe Biden was going to be able to receive Communion in his own diocese anymore, Catholic News Service has his bishop's comments on the question:

"I look forward to the opportunity to enter into a dialogue on a number of issues with Sen. Biden and other Catholic leaders in the Diocese of Wilmington," Bishop Francis Malooly wrote in The Dialog, the Wilmington diocesan newspaper.

"However, I do not intend to get drawn into partisan politics nor do I intend to politicize the Eucharist as a way of communicating Catholic Church teaching," he continued. "It is critical to keep the lines of communication open if the church is going to make her teachings understood and, please God, accepted.

"It is my belief that Catholics of all occupations have the same duty to examine their own consciences before determining their worthiness for the reception of Communion."

Whether Biden ends up as VP, Malooly's got my vote for a thougtful, well-reasoned approach to this issue.