At Just Roots Chicago, a dedicated staff and team of 1,500 volunteers have transformed three and a half acres into a community farm on the site of a demolished...
Author - Renée Roden
Of the 7.6 percent of patients in the United States who have survived a full cardiac arrest, 40 percent of them retain some memory of experiences that seem to...
“I’ll never forget one of the last times I saw her. I can still see her, sitting in that chair in the corner and saying, ‘why does it take so long to die?’”—Dr...
In Their Own Words is a new web column from U.S. Catholic. In these essays, academics and other experts provide short, evidence-based explanations of...
Dorothy Day: Radical Devotion By Jeffry Odell Korgen (Paulist Press, 2024) Dorothy Day wrote at least three autobiographies, and there are more than twice as...
In the foothills of British Columbia’s Rocky Mountains, about two miles north of the border with the United States, there is a small commune known as Hardy...
If you suffer from high blood pressure, read Walt Bogdanich and Mike Forsythe’s When McKinsey Comes to Town (Doubleday) with caution and in small doses. The...
Imagine you have just read something about Servant of God Dorothy Day. Perhaps you recently rode a Staten Island ferry that bore her name. Maybe you saw Pope...
Readings (Year A): Deuteronomy 7:9 – 10, 13 – 14Psalms 97:1 – 2, 5 – 6, 92 Peter 1:16 – 19Matthew 17:1 – 9 Reflection:...