Recently I stayed with a friend in her comfortable, airy country house. Dottie is a collector. Among a jumble of art objects depicting dogs, camels, and fish...
Author - Alice Camille
My friend Beryl is what’s known as a super-ager. At 90, she’s as spry and adventurous as many half her age. Scientists are actually studying her to figure out...
A retreat director walked into a bar . . . This isn’t the start of a joke, but a lead-in to an inspiring conversation. It was Easter Sunday. I was checked into...
These days, I find myself mindlessly crossing to the other side of the street if I see someone proceeding down the sidewalk I’m on. It’s a COVID-19 reflex I...
Recently I reviewed a newly published Bible study program. It was a creative effort: visually appealing pages, good quality paper, easy to use, with an...
“What is truth?” Pontius Pilate famously asked of Jesus. It’s a fair question, especially in our present media environment where facts have become increasingly...
If you attended parochial school some decades ago, you probably had a few Marys in your class. They would include, of course, Marias, Marians, Mary Annes, Mary...
Lent is about losing your luggage. Or maybe it seems that way because recently I lost mine. But that’s not the start of the story, so let me rewind a bit. It...
I don’t go to museums much. Not because I don’t like them, but simply because—you know. Maybe for the same reason you don’t go. Museums take time, and life is...
It’s a shiny, brand-new year. So let’s talk about heaven! With one caveat: I’m not going to strip-mine a lot of theology here. My brain is too small to...