U.S. Catholic is a progressive magazine featuring articles and columns that cover faith from the perspective of everyday life. Our readers are a diverse group of Catholics that tend to be well educated and active in their faith. We have a history of boldly exploring controversial issues and reflecting on unique and surprising aspects of our faith. U.S. Catholic has a strong focus on social justice, and offers a fresh and balanced look at the issues that matter most in the world—poverty, education, family life, environment, global citizenship and even pop culture.
Digital Sponsorship
Pageviews: 2,022,189
Sessions: 1,701,817
Users: 1,396,601
New Users: 1,370,308
(January-December 2022)
728 x 90
300 x 300
300 x 600
728 x 237
Female: 54%
Male: 46%
Ages 18-34: 42.13%
Ages 35-54: 33.51%
Ages 55+: 24.36%
Twitter: 47,696
Facebook: 13,274
Instagram: 1,489
Newsletter Subscribers
Total opt-in readership: 26,029
Weekly Updates: 16,672
Morning Prayer: 2,352
Family Spirituality: 775
Reader Surveys: 2,098
Sunday Reflections: 2,549
Saints: 263
Podcasts: 1,320
24% average open rate
Size: 540 x 176 or 300 x 300
Format: 100 DPI; PNG File
Join our weekly newsletter for FREE at uscatholic.org/signup.
If you need further assistance in formulating your marketing plan with U.S. Catholic or have questions, please reach out to the advertising department at advertising@uscatholic.org or (312) 544-8147.
Print Sponsorship
Reaching Catholics since 1935
U.S. Catholic is a progressive magazine featuring articles and columns that cover faith from the perspective of everyday life. Our readers are a diverse group of Catholics that tend to be well educated and active in their faith. We have a history of boldly exploring controversial issues and reflecting on unique and surprising aspects of our faith. U.S. Catholic has a strong focus on social justice, and offers a fresh and balanced look at the issues that matter most in the world—poverty, education, family life, environment, global citizenship, and even pop culture.
If you need further assistance in formulating your marketing plan with U.S. Catholic or have questions, please reach out to the advertising department at advertising@uscatholic.org or (312) 544-8147.